Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Balloons at silverdale  
Boom! Children are screaming as their skin is becoming a dozen roasted sausages. Boom! Again, the engine is like an erupting volcano bursting into flames. Mr A tries to calm the children down with his loud screaming voice “everyone settle down” he was saying, but the children cautiously walked away from the whistling flames coming from the bamboo basket.

Chitter chatter, pitter patter was all you could hear as the boiling heat whipped our spines as if we were horses at racing competition. In the distance an enormous balloon with red and blue and green. Hot flamethrower flames filling up the envelope. The huge balloon was bouncing like a retarded pogo stick wrapped around in ropes. The crew expert came along and talked about how if this extremely long rope got pulled a magical parachute would open up and let all the hot air out so the balloon floats down gently on to the green gully of grass (the field)ab

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